ATHENSA License Purchase
Rent Models SaS
Annual SoftwareMaintenance
and Technical Support
Rent Licensing (monthly price)

ATHENSA provides the following license at the price
$150 mo
- Athensa AirBox ver.7;
- Athensa ListBox ver.7;
- Athensa TitleBox ver.7;
- Athensa CaptureBox Pro ver.7;
- Athensa SafeBox Content Replication Engine (not included in the regular “Channel-in-a-Box”);
This SaaS business model also includes all the services from the ASM&TS Service. In the Rent Licensing Model (SaaS) there is no CAPEX (no upfront payment), Billing/Invoicing is quarterly, the client receives 3-months TL (Temporary Licenses) each time.
ASM&TS Service
If the client decides to continue his ASM&TS service with ATHENSA, it comes at the annual ASM&TS cost listed in the ATHENSA pricelist

$50 mo
- The ASM&TS service is billed/Invoiced annually, every 12 months (for example $50 per month for “Channel-in-a-Box” is $599 per year).
The ASM&TS service is available at per month basis or see
The ASM&TS service is not available on demand, when the client needs it – it needs to be active in back-to-back 12 month periods and we back-charge if there is a skipped time.
Unlimited channel output activations in AirBox – both SDI and IP outputs.
Ongoing 24/7 technical support by ATHENSA via a WhatsApp chat group
- Constant upgrade of all software modules to the latest released ATHENSA software versions;
- Online training sessions with the ATHENSA engineers; - Installing and re-installing the software when needed; - Decklink drivers configuration and upgrade;